
hlgsbearingworkshop hlgsbearingworkshop
Grinding Workshop:
Finish the processing of inner rings and outer rings and their grooves.we have totally 50 machines here in this workshop.
Bore-measuring workshop:
As bore size is so important a bearing products,in order to keep high quality,we will check every inner size to get make it right.
hlgsbearingworkshop hlgsbearingworkshop
Super finishing work shop:
we do second processing to inner and outer grooves here to keep high rotation quality.
Automatic Assemble Workshop:
We have 16 auto assemblying lines here and several hand-assemblying lines(for some special bearings),assembled from steel ball,rings,cages and shields.Along with assemblying work,machies will do self inspeciton including ball quantitiy inspect,shields inspect,grease inspect,rotation inspect.
Cleaning room and semi-products room:
Before super finishing and after super finishing,we will all do washing and cleaning,and semi-products(rings) will be put in that room and waiting to be sent to assmbled.

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